From dashboard, paste your long URL into input field
In this case, I've got a link to our LINKEM pricing page. ""
Click on Shorten
Click on Done
Go to Active Links, select link, click on three dots, click on Edit
I want a memorable image to appear when I send this link via SMS, or post it on social media. Select your image from "Choose file" menu
In this case, I want to add the "hero image" for LINKEM.
I want a memorable headline to appear when I send this link via SMS, or post it on social media.
In this case, the title is "LINKEM is so affordable!"
I want further details to appear where possible.
In this case, "You'd be surprised how affordable LINKEM is, especially when compared to others and considering how much is included."
Now I want to customize the link itself.
In this case, I want to change the random code to, "getlinkem"
Click on Update Link
Click on Copy
I'm going to post this on LinkedIn. I want to create a post about our new product that links right to the pricing page.
Paste my shortlink "" into my post.
You can see the meta data appears in the post
The image, the headline "LINKEM is so affordable" appear in the post. Same is true with Facebook, or most SMS carriers (in the US).
How cool is that?