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Using Postal Mail Feature

Using CLOSEM's powerful postal mail feature

Robert Moore avatar
Written by Robert Moore
Updated over a week ago

Studies show combining direct mail with your digital marketing campaigns results in a 40% - 50% conversion rate -- and that adds a powerful punch to anyone's sales effort.

Creating postal mail is as easy as creating an email or text. You have the same familiar editor and images can be embedded from the Library as usual.

We've added some links to services where you can create very cool QR codes and get stunning images for your letters and postcards - FREE.

This short video will show you everything you need to know:

TL;DR: If you don't want to watch the video:

  1. Create a letter or postcard. You'll see a dynamic preview as you create it.

  2. Make sure your contact list has physical addresses.

  3. Create a campaign so you can track progress.

  4. Postal mail is sent to the printer at midnight EST; printing is Monday - Friday. In your campaign report you'll see your mail move from pending to complete.

  5. Give yourself a few days for the mail to arrive after it's posted complete.

  6. Purchase mail credits just like adding email or text credits.

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